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De boekenhoek


Egyptian and American lives collide on a campus in Chicago, there is a crisis of identity. An extraordinary second novel from the acclaimed author of The Yacoubian Building. This is a story about love, sex, friendship, hatred, and ambition, in the rich and cultural differences of American and Arab world. Signs that show the painful human rights in their desires and needs. Beautifully rendered, this is an illuminating portrait of America, a complex, often contradictory country triumph and failure, opportunity and oppression, small dramas and big dreams next to each other. Chicago is a powerful compelling novel of culture and individuality











Taxi is a collection of 58 short stories by Khaled Al Khamissi, first published in December 2006.

A book dedicated "to the life that lives in the words of the poor people. Taxi is a journey of urban sociology in the Egyptian capital articulated by taxi drivers. They tell the stories of several taxi drivers he encounters, the author provides some insight into contemporary Cairo and Egypt.


Palace Walk


(Arabic title بين القصرين) is a novel of the Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz, and the first installment of Mahfouz's Cairo Trilogy. Originally published in 1956 entitled Bayn al-qasrayn (literally between the two palaces), the book was translated into English in 1990. The setting of the novel is Cairo during and just after World War I.

Palace Walk is the first book of the trilogy Cairo, Cairo, Egypt. It begins in 1917, during the First World War, and ends in 1919, the year of the nationalist revolution.

The book Arabic title literally translates into 'between the two palaces "- a phrase that the cultural and political transition Egypt experienced discussed at this time, developments imaged by the life of the family el-Gawad.










(Arabic: كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة found alf laylah Kitab wa laylah) is a collection of Western and South Asian stories and folk tales compiled in Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age. It is often known in English as the Arabian Nights, the first English language edition (1706), whose title is The Arabian Nights'

The Days ,


is a three-part autobiography of Taha Hussein, one of the modern Egyptian greatest writers and thinkers. An Egyptian Childhood (1929) tells of Hussein's childhood in a small village in upper Egypt, where he learned to come to terms with his blindness and won a place at prestigious Azhar University of Cairo. The Stream of Days: A student at the Azhar (1939), is a fascinating picture of student life in Egypt in the early 1900s A Passage to France (1973), the story carries on after reaching a PhD from the Sorbonne.












Childrens Alley


The story recreates the bound history of the three monotheistic Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), allegorised against the background of an imaginary 19th century neighborhood Cairene.

Gabalawi be an allegory for religion in general, the first four chapters recount, in succession, the stories of Adam (Adham أدهم) and how he was drawn by Gabalawi than his sons, including Satan / Iblis (Idris إدريس); Moses (Gabal جبل); Jesus (Rifa'a رفاعة); and Muhammad (Qasim قاسم). Families of every son settle in different parts of the rose as a symbol of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The protagonist of the book is Arafah (عرفة), which symbolizes the modern science, comes much later, after all the prophets, they all claim that their is a Arafa












A'sal Eswed!(humor)
Is de naam van deze film. En is uit 2010 . Natuurlijk, als je een buitenlander  bent, kun je vragen wat A'sal Eswed betekent! Het betekent zwarte honing. Het beschrijft Egypte, als zwarte honing.Het gaat over een Egyptische man, die 20 jaar geleden naar de VS is gereisd en net terug is in Egypte, voor het eerst in zijn leven. Hij dacht dat Egypte zou zijn als hij zich voorstelde,  omdat hij van oorsprong een Egyptenaar is, maar iedereen behandelt hem op een slechte manier. Een deel van de Egyptenaren behandelen Egyptenaren beter dan buitenlanders. Dat is de reden waarom hij besloot om terug te keren naar de VS en nooit meer terugkomen. Maar zal hij echt wegblijven uit zijn land, met de Ramadan en Eid's (feest voor moslims) en van  zijn echte vrienden, en de mensen die echt van hem houden?
Ik hoop dat jullie zullen genieten van deze film. Egyptenaren houden van deze film.


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 Om de film Agora te bekijken


Agora histories Drama

Een prachige film van een vooruitsrevende vrouw in het oude egypte.tenteide van de Romeinse overheersing

Umm Kulthum

was born in the village Tamay email Zahayra, which belonged to the city of El Senbellawein, Dakahlia governorate in the Nile Delta. Her birth date is not confirmed, such as birth registration is not in the Arab world was enforced in that tijd.Bij The Egyptian Ministry of Information is either December 31, 1898 or December 31, 1904. According to her English-language biographer, Virginia Danielson would put it on, May 4, 1904 are. At a young age she showed exceptional singing talent. Her father, an imam in the local mosque, taught her to recite the Koran, and she said she had saved the whole book. When she was 12 years old, her father had dressed her as a young boy and placed her in a small performing group which he directed. At age 16, she was spotted by Mohamed Aboul Ela, a modestly famous singer, who taught her the old classical Arabic repertoire. A few years later she met the famous composer and oudist Zakariyya Ahmad, who invited her to come to Cairo. She made several visits to Cairo in early 1920, but she waited until 1923 before going live permanently. She was invited on several occasions in the house of Amin Beh Al Mahdy, who taught her to play an old, kind of lute. She developed a close relationship with Rawheya Al-Mahdi, Amin's daughter, and he became her best friend. Kulthum even attended the wedding of Rawheya's daughter, though they are usually preferred to not publicly seen worden..Amin Al Mahdi introduced her to the cultural circles in Cairo, where she carefully avoided succumbing to the attractions of the bohemian lifestyle and, indeed, throughout her life, benadrukteze her pride in her humble origins and they expressed the conservative values. They also maintained a tightly managed public image, which undoubtedly added to her allure. At this point in her career, Umm Kulthum became acquainted with the famous poet Ahmad Rami, who wrote 137 songs for her. Rami also introduced her to French literature, which he greatly admired for his studies at the Sorbonne in Paris, and he eventually became her main mentor in Arabic literature and literary analysis. Moreover, she was introduced to the famous old virtuoso and composer Mohamed El Qasabgi, who introduced her to the Arabian Theatre Palace, where she would experience her first real public success. In 1932, her fame as a singer be raised through the sale of her record and she was about to make a great tour of the Middle East, along the major Arab cities like Damascus, Syria; Baghdad, Iraq; Beirut, Tunis, Tunisia and Tripoli, Libya













Humor:Hassan wa Morcus

Films en documentaires

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