Egypt Tips & Trips
Let's start with a little history before we come to the great Pharaohs
To understand the history of Egypt would be just too much.
There are entire libraries full of documentary and to this day it is still the most written history on earth.
We give you a brief look at this great history. We also want to show some nice short videos,
which accompany the big story
In Egypt where civilization began.
The history of ancient Egypt covers the period from early predynastice settlements of the northern Nile Valley to the Roman conquest in 30 BC. Pharaonic period dates from around 3200 BC, when Lower and Upper Egypt became a unified state, the country fell under Macedonian rule in 332 BC.
Neolithic period.
The Nile is the lifeline for Egyptian culture since nomadic hunters settled there during the Pleistocene.
they found traces of these people in the form of artifacts and rock carvings along the Nile terraces and in the oases.
For the Egyptians meant the Nile and the desert life meant death, though the desert offered protection against intruders.
Along the Nile in the 12th millennium BC, was exhilarating stone atributten used, but a different culture will make a different kind of material was used by another culture of hunters, fishermen,. also there was human habitation and livestock in the southwestern corner of Egypt, near the border of Sudan, from 8000 BC. But according to Barbara Barichkunnen not we go from here because there is nothing that substantiates this theory. In light of the oldest remains of the Fayum in Africa c. 4400 BC have been found and confesses. Geological evidence and computer climate modeling studies suggest that natural climate changes around 8000 BC began the vast land of North Africa, To uiteindelijkde Sahara formation (c. 2500 BC) period .Predynastic
The Nile Valley in Egypt was dependent uninhabitable until there was started the work and cleaning and irrigating the land along the banks of the river .This irrigation is largely started around 6000 BC. By that time, was population in the Nile Valley, already working with organized agriculture and the construction of large buildings in the Nile Valley. Currently, built Egyptians in the southwestern corner of Egypt and that herdsmen were also large buildings. Mortar was used as 4000 BC. The people of the Nile Valley and Delta were self-sufficient and barley and emmer (an early variety of wheat) it was stored in pits lined with reed mats. They kept cattle, goats and pigs and they wove baskets and bedding.
The Predynastiesche period lasts a long time forth, alternately held to begin with the Naqada culture.Net before the first Egyptian dynasty, Egypt was divided into two kingdoms, known as Upper Egypt, Ta Shemau, to the south, and Beneden- Egypt, Ta Mehu, on the North.The dividing line was drawn approximately in the field of modern Cairo.
The Tasian culture was the next to appear in Upper Egypt. This group is named for the burials found at Der Tasa, a site on the eastern bank of the Nile between Asyut and Akhmim. Tasian The cultural group is remarkable for producing the first true asphalt, a kind of red and brown pottery is painted black on his head, and furnished.The Badarian Culture, named after the Badari site near Der Tasa, followed Tasian the culture, however, similarities between the two have led many to avoid the distinction between them. The Badarian culture continued to produce the kind of pottery called Blacktop-ware.
Pharonische tijd Deel 1